This Blog is dedicated to writing and publishing on the internet in all its many forms. No area will be left uncovered. I will be keeping an eye on all the different sites that I encounter and telling you about how well they stack up against each other. I will also be rating them from 1 to 10 as well as giving detailed information about the inner workings of each of the sites. I will be testing them too, checking to see what happens to articles posted on them and how long it takes for the site to publish. If there any sites that you think might be of interest to this Blog please let me know about them and I will endeavor to get to them as quickly as possible.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Triond is a write and earn site. The sites main page looks a little amateurish to me and with its different sized print, a little hard to follow too. Still the main drive of the site is easy to recognise and the site does pretty much what it says it does. Create, Publish and Earn, is the motto of Triond and it describes it pretty well.

The site takes text, pictures, movies, music… whatever and it sets it up on its own web page with all the usual adds and the like. But that’s where it stops. After that it’s up to you to promote the web page and get as many people as you can to look at it. After that you earn based on the add click system. In other words every time a person who is visiting your site clicks on one of the adds, you get paid 1 American cent. Cool.

Okay so Triond doesn’t do a whole lot to get your stuff out there, but it does explain how you can do it. If you’re serious about getting your work seen and you are planning to use this site then I would strongly suggest you take every bit of advice that Triond gives you.

I am currently testing a couple of devices offered by the Triond team. The Article widget and The Picture widget. You can see both of them on this blog page. Their not to bad either, are they? Each of them will take you directly to the web page where Triond has placed my articles or pictures. Try them they work. Hey and don’t for get if you click on any of the adds while there I’ll earn a shiny cent.

All messing aside, Triond is pretty good for what it offers. It can be a bit glitchy, especially when you are loading up articles and I doubt you’ll get lost wandering around it. But the content can be good and the idea needs encouraging and that means members.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One Sentence

Today’s site is One Sentence. I’d like to start by saying I absolutely love this site. It’s nice and small, or at least it looks that way until you dig a bit. It’s a bit like one of those Russian dolls, every time you lift of one cover you discover a whole new doll beneath. But despite its Tardis like dimensions it’s very easy to use and navigate around.

The basic idea for the site is this. You write and read stories told in just one sentence. Not so hard you might say but you’d be wrong. A true story, like life, must have a birth, a life and a death. A truly good story hints at a before and an after too. I have read many of the One Sentence stories on this site and very quickly you can tell the difference between the, quick and off the cuff one liners and the true stories.

Another aspect of the site that I like is the fact that you can rate the stories up and down. So, if you like one, it’s a thumb’s up and if you don’t well then it’s a, Cesar like, thumbs down.

As a writer I respect the idea of a one sentence story. I have written several novels and many short stories and normally they come from a single instance or thought. They can be inspired by a melody or a single line from a song or even one solitary sentence.

For any budding writers out there I would strongly suggest a look at this site, even my first casual look revealed novels I was just dying to write and any site that bring that feeling out is a must for any writer.

House Rating 9 out of 10

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Helium is the first Writing and Publishing web site that I am going to describe to you. I have been writing on this site on and off for some time now and it has many advantages as well as a few drawbacks. The site is large, I mean really large and it covers just about every type of writing you can imagine. The only section that I can think of that is not covered is Screen plays. The main drive of the site however is the Write and Rate sections.

The site itself is well constructed and only occasionally crashed on me. Some of the interface buttons take a little getting used to. The one that caught me at first was the Write one, used when you wanted to… well, write something. It’s a small pencil and can be easily missed until you get used to looking for it.

Okay, so this is how the site works. When you first log in you are faced by a colourful page filled with Adds, Articles and Features. Down the left hand side of the screen there are a lot of different sections which you can just jump straight into but I want to draw your attention to three of the buttons running across the top of the screen as these will be the three that you will use most at the beginning. They are the Write, Rate and My Helium buttons.

The Write Button
This button will take you to a section where you will be asked to pick a channel (Broad Subject) on which you want to write. You will then be asked to pick from a sub section menu ( I have always fond this part of the operation to the glitchiest) and then once you have got past this point you will be faced with page after page of further sub sections again. The point of all this is to narrow your article down to the smallest possible fields of competing articles and as I have already said this really is a huge site. Okay so now you really are ready to write, don’t for get to look out for the little pencils.

For myself I have always founds it best to write whatever it is I want to write before entering the writing section and then once there simply paste my piece into the awaiting box.

After you have written your piece, your piece begins to compete with other articles in your chosen field and there can be hundreds of them and this brings us to the Rate button.

The Rate button
There are two main ways in Helium that you can Rate articles. The first comes right after you publish something. Immediately you will be take to the rate section of the site where two articles will go head to head, with you as the adjudicator as to which is best. The other is from the site main page where you can choose to go straight to the Rate section.

Both Writing and rating are important to the site and stars are awarded to those who do it most and best. It can be quite compelling to continually go to the site to see how your articles are doing. It is a well thought out draw that keeps members coming back time and time again.
The My Helium button
This is the button that takes you into the section where your profile is kept. It also shows you all your article and what their current position in the running is. More importantly still it will take you to the section where you can find out what your worth. Yes you can earn money from this site but don’t go quitting you day job just yet. I have published many articles on the site and currently have a value of 29 cent. Only articles that are rated in the top ten of, its section, earn money and I’ve had quite a few.

Still there are other ways to earn cash on the site. There are competitions held every week with a huge selection of topics for you to choose from. The winners of these competitions receive seventy five dollars with small prise fund for the runners up. There is also a market place section which lets writers compete to have their articles published for real (On Paper).

All told I would rate Helium as one of the best sites of its nature out there. Its fun and it certainly keeps you writing.

House rating 8 out of 10.